GSit - Modern Sit (Seat and Chair), Lay and Crawl Plugin!
✨ Relax with other players on nice seats! ✨
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This is the ultimate Sit, Chair and Lay - Plugin which allows to sit on Stairs / Chairs. Lay, Bellyflop, Spin & Crawl on the ground.
- 100% customizable!
- Very good performance
- Sit on every block with "/sit"
- Crawl on the ground with "/crawl"
- Lay or Bellyflop on every block with "/lay" or "/bellyflop"
- You can let laying players snore without any Resource Pack!
- Spin around with "/spin"
- Simply right click on top of a seat (stair, slab or carpet) to sit there
- Create your own custom list of materials a player can sit on!
- Click on another Player to sit on him and stack up! (Must be enabled in the Config!)
- GriefPrevention, PlotSquared & WorldGuard-Area-Support!
- Perfect sit direction calculated from the placement of the seat!
- WorldGuard-Flags! ("sit" "playersit" "pose", "crawl")
- Return a player to the location where he started sitting!
- Set a customized Sit, PlayerSit or Pose Message
- Set the maximum distance between a player and the block!
- Placeholders from PlaceholderAPI ("playertoggle", "posing", "sitting", "toggle")
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Available Versions
- 1.4.10
- 1.4.3
- 1.3.3
- 1.2.8
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